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Cúmulo globular M30
42 min de exposición: L, R, G, B (exposiciones de 30 segundos), Telescopio 3, procesado con PixInsight. Conjunto de datos disponible, haga clic en Foto.
Clúster abierto NGC 7789
2.7 Hours of exposure, LRGB (60 s), Telescope 1, Processed with PixInsight.
M15 Globular Cluster with IFN
4.6 hours of exposure: LRGB (60s). Telescope 1. Processed with PixInsight. Data Set Available, Click Photo.
M13 The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules
5.3 hours of exposure: LRGB (60s). Telescope 1. Processed with PixInsight.